Wednesday, May 8, 2013

FIrst Meeting: Holden Caulfield

Today I met with my new patient Holden Caulfield for our first interview. Mr.Caulfield's physical appearance is portrayed as more mature than most teenagers. It seems as if he had switched hair with a fifty year old man; the amount of gray strands was astounding. Perhaps an overwhelming amount of stress as a factor? He's a seemingly rebellious teen nonetheless. At the beginning of the session, he entered the room with a cigarette in his mouth smoking as if it wasn't a problem. By analyzing his blank facial expression and composed body language, I would say he's an unusually calm person. Nothing seems to phase him. Adding to these observations, I noticed that he had taken out a red hunting hat to wear. The most unusual aspect of this was that he wore it backwards. This certainly grabbed my attention which brought me to infer that Holden is doing this purposefully to stand out or be unique. Throughout a few more sessions, I intend to discover the story behind the hunting hat.

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